Monday, July 26, 2010

The Meaning of "One Pink Duck"

Tom and Marta Vann on a cold day in Colorado, February 5th, 1979 to be exact, welcomed into life, one little, pink "ducky". The name ascribed to the birth certificate was not "Ducky" in fact, it was Audrea. Not many of the hearers of her name upon the initial sound in their ears is quite sure how to spell Audrea. Is it Audrey, is it Andrea, is it Audra? "No" it is A-U-D-R-E-A, like "ahh-dree-uh", oh, how interesting.

How interesting she truly is, and certainly would become. She, was later welcomed home by three rough, voracious, wild-eyed and wild-haired brothers: Aaron, Elliott, and Alex(ander). They did not quite now what to make of a little pink-skinned, pink-bowed, brown-eyed, tender, tiny little creature that was neither rough, rash, brash, or crass. Then, their "Faah-ther" (from Tom Vann's own Tidewater accent), kept referring to her as his little "Ducky". What? the boys would later think? Duck-ee? rhymes with Yuck-ee...and other cruel things that little brothers do to little sisters, but at least initially, they were enamored with her. Her father was so happy, a little, baby girl. Her mother, finally...not a boy.

The Family of three boys and a girl, a mom and a dad, quickly grew to five boys and a girl. A regular basketball team, 5 players, and a cheerleader. Duck, has always been our cheerleader. She has always checked-in, and checked-up on all her five brothers, their wives, and their children. She has been a perfect sister, despite, having no sister and all brothers.

Having five brothers will do something to you. I'm not sure what it is, but perhaps that is for another time, but what it did was draw her mother and father's hearts very close indeed. How could it not, a rose among so many thorns. Dad called her Ducky, it is derived from some expression our friends from across the Atlantic say to a little, cute girl--"ducky". She wasn't our little cute girl, she was our sister, so we dropped the "y" and just called her Duck. It never seemed strange to me that I was calling my sister a feathered, fowls name or that someone might have thought she resemebled a webbed-footed, flat-billed, swimming, honking cast of nature. No, without thinking, we would say, "where's Duck?", "hey, Duck, how's it going?", "what you reading these days, Duck?"

She is precious. She is kind. She is caring. She is honest. She is witty. She is funny. She can be cross. She can cause you to laugh at yourself or herself. She is very much her Father's daughter in many ways (but, she should be). Daddy's girl was Duck to her brothers.

We love our duck. Pink represents her femminity. My parents helped her protect her God-given, femminity. She wasn't the girliest of girls, but she was no tom-boy. However, she could match wits, jokes, stories, or brains with any of us. She, by conditioning, developed a fighting spirit, but she's not fighter. She developed a sharp, confident, and witty mind, but she's humble and unassuming.

One, because she was the only girl. She was one among five. One out of six.

Thus, One-Pink-Duck describes My sister Audrea Vann Medina.

what think you?


  1. I think she is as amazing as you've said and she is one lucky duck to have you guys standing with her in this journey. Your family is a blessing to all of us.

  2. Love this!!! It is Audrea, all the way!!!

  3. I am a friend of Carleigh McClure's and I knew Audrea from DBU. Ever since I heard of her situation I've not been able to stop thinking or praying for her. My blog has her story posted, my fb page as well. There are countless people praying for her here in Connecticut and nationwide. I think a blog is wonderful. We started ours back when our infant son had cancer. He's been cured by the grace of God and we pray that same miracle over Audrea. Beautiful post! Thank you for keeping us all updated on your sister!

  4. precious, even more so since it comes from one of the brothers.

  5. Well written. She is a fighter. We have so much enjoyed her posts about her children. We have "cracked up" about many of them. We hope and pray for complete healing for her. Thanks for all the wonderful memories we shared at Flat Creek in the Youth Program. She is an awesome lady and we love her dearly.

  6. I'll never look at a duck in the same way again! Somehow I think of all those funny rubber ducks, decorated for every holiday or interest.....princess ducks, pirate ducks, sports ducks, farm ducks....They all miss one important thing....the twinkle that was always in Audrea's eyes. Now I know the source of that fire....her loving brothers, who channeled Christ's love in their own, special way! Thank you for sharing this with us. It makes me want to love on my family even more!

  7. Well said. She is amazing and an inspiration to us all. Keep posting I love you read them. They are so encouraging.

  8. I think as gracious as God was to give you all a little sweet girl, He was equally gracious to give her such adoring brothers. What a blessed girl. Your family reflects God's glory. What a gem of a family.

  9. From personal experience, I think that someone who is not her brother should ever call her duck. I tried it once and didn't care for the results.

    We love and are praying for you guys!!!
