Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wednesday Morning Dawns

From Audrea:

I am up incredibly early in the morning. There’s an electric spark in the air and after Jeff helped me to the bathroom at 4:00 a.m., my mind was wide awake, grateful, and energized.

I slept 4 hours in a row, after a terrible coughing/choking fit from the NG tube, where my nurse had to rush in and save the day by pulling it out (through my nose). I guess that’s one way to get rid of something that’s caused so much pain in my ear.The tube was scheduled to come out later this morning, anyway, but I told Jeff they were going to think I choked on purpose to get it out.

Naturally, true to Jeff form, he said, “anybody who knows you knows you’re the chokingest fool alive.” It’s true and that’s our joke about me. I choke on anything.

On our first anniversary date, I choked so hard on a bread crumb that the entire restaurant basically stopped eating to turn and watch me. That was slightly embarrassing.This morning though, the electric charge I feel is the same as when you know good change is coming, like the first breath of cool air after a hot Texas summer. Change is coming, and I’m getting ready.I’m walking everywhere…well, everywhere they’ll allow me to on my floor. I’m ready to get out and explore the rest of the hospital. God is so amazing in that I have this drive--this energy-- that’s been missing.

Today is Wednesday; I entered the hospital exactly one week ago, where my life hung delicately waiting to see if my Holy Father would bring me to my eternal home.Even though I’m a Christian, there’s still been this earthly fear settled within me about heaven. I usually fear the unknown, and though I know what Scripture says about heaven, and I know it will be much more glorious than I can even imagine, heaven represents a change, an unknown “x” factor to after –life. Now, though, when I was almost there, I do feel just a little bit of regret that I missed it this time. I almost saw Jesus and I was ready.The fear is gone, though. Praise God, the fear is gone.

I’ve been thinking about the wonderful people who’ve come to visit. Thank you. You’ve been an encouragement to me. If you want to come see me, please do. I try to reserve the mornings for my exercise, bath, quiet time, and time for my children’s visits…afternoons for more exercise and rest (if it comes), and after 4 or 5 for visitors.

I was also thinking of all the offers for help, and I’ve thought of a way that you can help me in the immediate days ahead. I miss music. I miss worship music, praise music, lovin’ on the Father music, hymns…whatever. I want to see if Jeff will buy me a cheap little cd player, and if you would be so kind, send me your favorite Christian artist. You can send it to my house and Jeff will pick it up and bring it to me. I would be most grateful. 303 West Barron Avenue, Everman, TX 76140.

My usual favorite past-time is to read, and I’ve already received quite a collection. I’m not there yet, but I am ready to hear some uplifting words in the musical form.On another note, you’ve all been so gracious to write me. I haven’t even had time to check out my “Praying for Audrea” page since I’ve had a few moments online myself.

When my brother, Alex, was here, and I was still in ICU, he’d come back with his laptop and read me your beautiful words of prayer and encouragement. Thank you. I wish I could respond to every person who writes in. It honestly has been wearing me out trying to keep up, so please don’t shoot me dirty thoughts if I don’t respond.

My energy levels (though sparking with electricity this morning) don’t give me hours at a time to invest in one thing. I do one “task” and then rest, another one and then rest. Pretty soon, my endurance will be built up, but right now, rest must come after every little thing. And I MUST continue to heal

•Add my Jeff to your prayer list. He’s balancing so much right now. I want him to be able to find peace in all of his running back and forth, and to remain as stress free as possible, finding patience with the children, and the supernatural ability to get it all done.

•Pray for our next step. We think we have settled on a transplant center, but all of the small details that go into that require time and attention. Pray for the center, the doctors, and most of all the life that has to be lost so I may receive a new small bowel. And there is a waiting list, but we’ll find out soon what that all entails.Blessings on your Wednesday, and now I’m off, back to bed to rest.

From Alex:
We always knew my sister, the Duck, was a special girl, woman, wife, etc., but she continues to astound us all with her ability to be tenacious. Tenacity has always described her, but it is evident through the words that she pens, that she is both tired and driven. These juxtaposing ideas, are clashing in, over, and around her body. She is a woman whose mind is probably stronger than ever, her spirit is being renewed, yet her body is in a perilous way. She is the picture of the Christ-like life.

As you follow her story, please share it with others. She told our mother shortly after it happened, when she was more coherent and awake, "when people think of my name, I want them to think of God's glory." Point others to this blog, to her blog, to the Facebook pages, to the Bible, and ultimately to Christ. Audrea's life is about directing others to Christ. It is a narrow path that she is on, but the Word says, "narrow is the path to life, and there are few who find it."

We love you Duck!


  1. Praying that the Word would be a "lamp unto Jeff's feet and a light unto his path" as he works out all the decisions required for life and healing that need to be made.

  2. Hey Girl! It's Angela (Sacco) Fogle! Chad and I are praying for you and your family! God will work it out!
